Udyan Tea Coupon Codes and Offers Feb 2025

About Udyan Tea

Udyan Tea was born out of a strange concoction of frustration and a subsequent desire to offer a better, tastier, fresher solution. We came to notice that the majority of tea available in the market today is of substandard quality, which is disheartening because India is the second largest producer and consumer of tea. We ought to be drinking the best tea out there, no further questions asked. That’s when we decided to step in and get the real par-tea started. Because we know what an authentic cuppa tastes like. And we believe you should know it too.

The team behind Udyan are a bunch of tea-enthusiasts who have a legacy that few can claim - they all belong to the land of tea. Which means, they intrinsically know what good tea tastes like.

Punit Poddar, a hardcore chai lover has over 12 years’ experience in tea-tasting and he ensures that you find only the best tea with Udyan. Parvez Gupta, a seeker of a fine cup of Darjeeling Tea, is the behind-the-scenes guy responsible for Udyan’s technical and operational finesse. Soveet Gupta, is on a never-ending quest for exotic flavoured blends. He ensures a seamless experience for the customers while taking care of marketing & business development.

Also, just so you know, we do our bit of role reversals too to keep the excitement alive and brewing.

Udyan Tea is based out of Darjeeling district, the homeland of all-things-tea. This means we bring the high-quality tea from our lands, sourced out directly from the best gardens, directly to you by cutting out all middlemen, and in the process, reducing the timeframe between production and consumption. At Udyan Tea, sourcing out the best tea is an ongoing process. Every week, our expert tea tasters sample a variety of teas collected from different gardens and choose the top quality tea for you. We never stop making sure that you brew only the best tea.

We are hardcore tea-drinkers ourselves. With every fresh sip we take, we feel that this sheer joy - this magic of a good cup of tea - needs to be shared with the rest of the world. So, once we handpick our tea from the select gardens of Darjeeling, Assam, Nepal and Nilgris, we ensure they go through a state-of-the-art vacuum packing process. It involves three-layered aluminium packets to protect the tea from being exposed to air or moisture thus preventing the growth of microorganisms that may affect the freshness, aroma and flavour of the tea.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What does Arista do ?

1. It's an all in one shopping app. It has 600+ online stores in it like Amazon, Myntra, Ajio, Adidas, Decathlon etc. It also has travel sites, food ordering sites and various other categories.
2. You can just go to any store and place your order in the same way as you do while shopping through any e-commerce store app or through a browser.
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Why should you use Arista?

1. If you are a regular online shopper, you will receive cashback on almost all your purchases.
2. All you need to do is install Arista and place order on your favourite e-commerce site through Arista.

How is Arista different ?

1. Arista provides its users with the highest cashback in India.
2. Moreover there is no system of rewards, points, coupons, coins or supercoins. You only see cash in your Arista Wallet.

How does Arista gives you cashback?

1. Firstly, we are rewarded with incentives/commission by online stores when users place orders through us.
2. These incentives/commission may vary from 1% to upto 20% of the amount paid by shoppers.
3. We return this commission to the users who had placed orders through our app.

Should I register today ?

Yes. Because we are returning 90% of our earned commission back to our customers.
Eg. If you are buying a laptop worth Rs 50k , generally we will be getting 5k..WE ARE RETURNING 90% (about Rs 4500) back to the customer who ordered.

How good is the App as per reviews?

Well it's a 4.8 Star rated app on Google Play Store. The reviews says it all.

What data is collected by Arista?

Only one thing - Arista Signup page details.
We don't have any access to data provided by users to e-commerce sites like their login credentials, credit/debit card,bank details etc.

How can I claim cashback?

1. Just send a screenshot to the Arista's Official Whatsapp Number and we will notify you about your cashback personally through Whatsapp.
2. Once the order has been confirmed by e-commerce site we will add the money to your wallet.

Is there any minimum order value for cashback?


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